Parent Testimonials

See what parents say about us…

“We wasted many THOUSANDS of dollars and Hundreds of hours w/ other tutoring programs.
It is such a relief to be here @ the Door of Hope Learning Center!”

Interview with Deanna (Parent)

“We heard about the Door of Hope Learning Center from a friend @ work. Her confidence has sky-rocketed since she started coming to Door of Hope, & always loves coming here!”

Interview with Maribel (Parent)

“We KNEW our child was bright, but neither her teachers, or us, could help her. She needed ANOTHER trainer & our friend recommended Door of Hope”.

Interview with Kara (Parent)

“Homeschooling student … 2nd generation Door of Hope student”

Interview with Matisse (Parent)

He would struggle on very simple words. He’d get his endings mixed up. We would go over and over them and it just didn’t seem to stick. He was easily distracted.

Now he enjoys reading and does it all on his own. He is full of confidence and sees that he is now at the top of his class instead of where he saw himself before, struggling at the bottom.

Interview with Jamie (Parent)

Jennifer Cecero
19:14 19 Jul 24
My granddaughter started Kindergarten during Covid. Not only did she have to repeat Kindergarten, we later suspected a form of dyslexia. She wasn’t reading at all when I contacted Door of Hope, and public schools were not helping her reading disability. It took nine months, but she is now close to third grade level. I could not be more grateful, we are fortunate that we have a place in Bakersfield that can help. Highly recommend.
Christina Reyes
23:39 04 Jun 24
The tutors here are amazing. They are phenomenal at everything they do with the kiddos ! Highly recommend Door Of Hope !My Son at the begging of first grade struggled, I had his counselor telling me something was going to be wrong with him an it was constant back an fourth because I knew there wasn’t. it was just of matter of patience an a little more of push in all that he needs help with, an sure enough the little time he’s been here his teacher has gave me nothing but great responses an his RTI teacher has nothing but good things to say an how he participates in his reading activities. AS A MOM I LOVE THAT FOR HIM LOVE TO HEAR AN SEE HIM EXCITED. Before he put himself down an say mom I can not sound this out or MOM why can they an i can not … it was taking a toll but here we are im truly grateful for Everybody at Door Of Hope! Thank you Karen an everybody besides you !
Isabella Fernandez
18:58 15 May 24
My son was having trouble with reading and writing. I found door of hope and my son has been doing so well since starting. He has been getting A’s and B’s even making honor roll. I highly recommend the door of hope to any parent who is needing more help with their child.
Erica Kelly
00:00 29 Mar 24
I cannot say enough about how amazing the tutors are at Door of Hope. If your child is struggling with reading then Door of Hope is your solution. Last year our son was in the 2nd grade, but started at a kindergarten reading level. He was struggling immensely both academically and with his self-esteem. He knew that he wasn't at the same level as the other kids and after trying multiple programs and strategies I found Door of Hope on the internet. There was talk about holding him back if we couldn't get him on track over the summer. He started at Door of Hope in June 2023 and did their intensive summer program plus a few extra months into this school year. It was a lot of work, both for him and the tutors. They never gave up on him and for that I am so grateful. The tutors are so kind and the one on one instruction is definitely what he needed. He graduated from the program in October 2023 reading above his grade level. He didn't have to be held back in school, he has found a joy for reading, and his self-esteem has increased tremendously. His 3rd grade teacher was astounded to hear that just last year he really couldn't read. I definitely recommend Door of Hope if your child is struggling to read. It is well worth the investment, both financially and time-wise.
Marina Rhonemus
23:27 27 Mar 24
Michelle Wilcox
00:10 31 Jan 24
My son with dyslexia started Door of hope reading below grade level and within 8 months he is reading above grade level, reads all the signs around town, and spells out everything he says! It's an amazing transformation and an evident boost to his confidence! Taking him to Door of Hope was well worth the investment!